Personal pictures

Danny, Tammy, Dafna, and Itzhak in Santa Monica, California 1976

Zipi and Itzhak Purim 1955, and in Haifa 1962.

                                                                 Zipi and Itzhak,1957.

Zipi and Itzhak,1961.

Zipi and Itzhak,1964.

in 6 grade class in Hugim School Haifa, Israel, Nov 1953. On my left is Alex the grandson of Chernihcovsly (an israeli poet), and on my left my friend Danny (we were born on the same day). Sadley danny died in a training accident as an Israeli Navy seal.

With the 2nd Israeli president Itzhak Ben Zvi who visited Haifain 1953. I voluntered to get his signitures for all my class mates. It was taken in the house of the Mayor of Haifa than (Abba Hushi). 

First grade picture in Hugim School, Haifa, Israel. I am in Navy suite on the left below our teacher. On the lower row seating boys from Rt to Lt are Alex Varm (mor) (future documentaries film maker), Shammai Speiser (future Prof. of Chemistry in the Technion), Lavan ( future chief constructions in the Dep of Defense) , and Shlomo Margalit (future recipient of "Israel Defense Award".

Itzhak and father (Baruch) in the snow. Gan Binyamin park, Haifa, Israel. 1950.

At 3 months with Dad -Baruch (Bernard)

Itzhak four month old

Itzhak 20 month old

Itzhak 14 month old

Itzhak in his car made by his father 1946

Itzhak  1944

Haya, Baruch and Itzhak Brook 1951

Graduation class Hareali Haivei Haifa 1959 
(Itzhak in the Biology section on left)

The War of Attrition and Yom Kippur War's ribbons 

In the Golan Height during the Six day War (1967)

In Sinai during divisional exercises (1972)

CDR Itzhak Brook USN MC 1992

CDR Itzhak Brook USN MC 1992

Lt. CDR Itzhak Brook,MC USN, 1981

Lt. CDR Itzhak Brook,MC USN, with USS JF Kennedy, Norfolk Virginia, 1980.

CDR Itzhak Brook MC USN presents a lecture on the effects of ionizing radiation to the Israeli IDF and Health Department in Israel. Nov. 2005

Itzhak Brook Jerusalem, 1961.

Sara and Itzhak at Darly's Bat Mitzva

Joyce, Sara, and Itzhak. High Falls NY, April 31, 2016.

Lev and Itzhak, November 26, 2016

                Lev Brook  2017                                                              Itzhak Brook  1942

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